Enhance your Roblox Elemental Grind Game experience with the Auto Farm script, automating element farming for effortless leveling and more enjoyable gameplay!

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local services = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, service) return game:GetService(service) end }) local client = services.Players.LocalPlayer –// library local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(“https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vozoid/venus-library/main/eggmodified.lua”, true))() local commons = {} local uncommons = {} local rares = {} local legends = {} local myths = {} local colors = {} do local elements = services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.GetElements:InvokeServer() for _, tbl in next, elements do if type(tbl) == “table” then colors[tbl[1]] = tbl[3] if tbl[2] == “Common” then table.insert(commons, tbl[1]) elseif tbl[2] == “Uncommon” then table.insert(uncommons, tbl[1]) elseif tbl[2] == “Rare” then table.insert(rares, tbl[1]) elseif tbl[2] == “Legend” then table.insert(legends, tbl[1]) elseif tbl[2] == “Myth” then table.insert(myths, tbl[1]) end end end end local found = false local request = syn and syn.request or request local main = library:Load({Name = “EGG Farmer”, Theme = “Dark”, SizeX = 238, SizeY = (request and 399 or 362), ColorOverrides = {}}) local aimbot = main:Tab(“Main”) local section = aimbot:Section({Name = “Autofarm”, column = 1}) section:Toggle({Name = “Element Farmer”, Flag = “elementfarm”, Callback = function(value) if value == false then if client.Character and client.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then client.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end found = false end end}) local levelbeforespin = section:Box({Name = “Level Before Spinning”, Flag = “levelbeforespin”}) levelbeforespin:Set(“2”) section:Toggle({Name = “Level Farmer”, Flag = “levelfarm”, Callback = function(value) if value == false then if client.Character and client.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then client.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end end}) local maxlevel = section:Box({Name = “Max Level”, Flag = “maxlevel”}) maxlevel:Set(“100”) local elements = {} local chosencommon = {} local chosenuncommon = {} local chosenrare = {} local chosenlegend = {} local chosenmyth = {} section:Label(“Commons”) section:Dropdown({Content = commons, MultiChoice = true, Callback = function(tbl) for _, elem in next, tbl do elements[elem] = true chosencommon = tbl for chosen, _ in next, elements do if not table.find(chosencommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenuncommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenrare, chosen) and not table.find(chosenlegend, chosen) and not table.find(chosenmyth, chosen) then elements[chosen] = false end end end end}) section:Label(“Uncommons”) section:Dropdown({Content = uncommons, MultiChoice = true, Callback = function(tbl) for _, elem in next, tbl do elements[elem] = true chosenuncommon = tbl for chosen, _ in next, elements do if not table.find(chosencommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenuncommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenrare, chosen) and not table.find(chosenlegend, chosen) and not table.find(chosenmyth, chosen) then elements[chosen] = false end end end end}) section:Label(“Rares”) section:Dropdown({Content = rares, MultiChoice = true, Callback = function(tbl) for _, elem in next, tbl do elements[elem] = true chosenrare = tbl for chosen, _ in next, elements do if not table.find(chosencommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenuncommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenrare, chosen) and not table.find(chosenlegend, chosen) and not table.find(chosenmyth, chosen) then elements[chosen] = false end end end end}) section:Label(“Legends”) section:Dropdown({Content = legends, MultiChoice = true, Callback = function(tbl) for _, elem in next, tbl do elements[elem] = true chosenlegend = tbl for chosen, _ in next, elements do if not table.find(chosencommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenuncommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenrare, chosen) and not table.find(chosenlegend, chosen) and not table.find(chosenmyth, chosen) then elements[chosen] = false end end end end}) section:Label(“Myths”) section:Dropdown({Content = myths, MultiChoice = true, Callback = function(tbl) for _, elem in next, tbl do elements[elem] = true chosenmyth = tbl for chosen, _ in next, elements do if not table.find(chosencommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenuncommon, chosen) and not table.find(chosenrare, chosen) and not table.find(chosenlegend, chosen) and not table.find(chosenmyth, chosen) then elements[chosen] = false end end end end}) if request then local webhook section:Toggle({Name = “Hide Webhook”, Callback = function(value) if value then webhook:Hide() main:Resize(-22) else webhook:Show() main:Resize(22) end end}) webhook = section:Box({Name = “Discord Webhook”, Flag = “webhook”}) webhook:Set(“”) end –// main local moves = services.ReplicatedStorage[client.UserId .. “Client”] local function getlevel() local data = services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.GetLevels:InvokeServer() for _, tbl in next, data do if table.find(tbl, client) then return tbl[2] end end end local function domoves() for _, move in next, client.Backpack:GetChildren() do local str = move.Name:split(” (“)[1] task.spawn(function() moves.StartMove:FireServer(str) moves.EndMove:FireServer(str) end) end end local function farmspinlevel() repeat domoves() task.wait(0.1) until getlevel() >= tonumber(library.flags.levelbeforespin) end local rolls = 0 function color3hex(color) return tostring(tonumber(string.format(“0x%02X%02X%02X”, math.clamp(color.R * 255, 0, 255), math.clamp(color.G * 255, 0, 255), math.clamp(color.B * 255, 0, 255)), 16)) end local spin spin = function() repeat local currentelement = services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.GetElement:InvokeServer() if elements[currentelement] then found = true if request and library.flags.webhook:find(“discord.com/api/webhooks/”) and (library.flags.webhook:find(“https://”) or library.flags.webhook:find(“http://”)) then request{ Url = library.flags.webhook, Method = “POST”, Headers = { [“Content-Type”] = “application/json” }, Body = services.HttpService:JSONEncode{ content = “Element found! ||@everyone||”, embeds = {{ fields = { { name = “Element:”, value = tostring(currentelement) }, { name = “Rolls:”, value = tostring(rolls) } }, color = color3hex(colors[currentelement]) }} } } end else services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.Spin:InvokeServer() rolls = rolls + 1 if elements[services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.GetElement:InvokeServer()] then return spin() end if request and library.flags.webhook:find(“discord.com/api/webhooks/”) and (library.flags.webhook:find(“https://”) or library.flags.webhook:find(“http://”)) then request{ Url = library.flags.webhook, Method = “POST”, Headers = { [“Content-Type”] = “application/json” }, Body = services.HttpService:JSONEncode{ content = “”, embeds = {{ fields = { { name = “Element:”, value = tostring(services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.GetElement:InvokeServer()) }, { name = “Rolls:”, value = tostring(rolls) } }, color = color3hex(colors[services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.GetElement:InvokeServer()]) }} } } end end task.wait(0.1) until library.flags.elementfarm == false or found or services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.GetSpins:InvokeServer() <= 0 end local function startgame() services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.Teleport:InvokeServer() services.ReplicatedStorage.Client.Intro:InvokeServer() workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = client.Character.Humanoid client.PlayerGui.IntroGui.Enabled = false client.PlayerGui.Spinner.Enabled = false client.PlayerGui.StatsGui.Enabled = true if not workspace:FindFirstChild("platform") then local platform = Instance.new("Part", workspace) platform.Name = "platform" platform.Size = Vector3.new(10000, 10, 10000) platform.Position = Vector3.new(0, math.random(10000, 100000), 0) platform.Anchored = true platform.Transparency = 0.5 end workspace.Gravity = 0 task.spawn(function() repeat for _, obj in next, client.Character:GetDescendants() do if obj:IsA("BasePart") then obj.Velocity = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) obj.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) end end client.Character:MoveTo(workspace.platform.Position + Vector3.new(0, 15, 0)) task.wait() until client.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 end) end local function farmlevel() repeat domoves() task.wait(0.1) until getlevel() >= tonumber(library.flags.maxlevel) or library.flags.levelfarm == false end –// main loop while task.wait(0.1) do if library.flags.elementfarm and not found then repeat startgame() task.wait(0.1) until #client.Backpack:GetChildren() > 0 farmspinlevel() client.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 repeat task.wait(0.1) until client.Character and client.Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”).Health > 0 spin() end if library.flags.levelfarm and (library.flags.elementfarm and found or true) then repeat task.wait(0.1) until client.Character and client.Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”).Health > 0 repeat startgame() task.wait(0.1) until #client.Backpack:GetChildren() > 0 farmlevel() end end

  1. Click the COPY button to automatically copy the script.
  2. Paste the script into your script application.
  3. Run the script and you’re done!

By following these simple steps, players can quickly and easily enhance their Roblox game experience.

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