{BASE RAIDERS}: GUN MOD Features and Enhancements

Explore the Base Raiders GUN MOD script for Roblox, enhancing your gameplay with powerful tools like god mode, crash features, and more. This script brings exciting modifications to Base Raiders, offering an enriched gaming experience.

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local FEmusic = true; local musicid = “5693287386”; –edit the id local shotsound = true local shotsoundid = “5693287386”–edit the id for i,v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.WeaponScripts.WeaponConfigs:GetChildren()) do local gun = require(v) gun.magSize = 10000000 gun.damage = 999 gun.pellets = 30 gun.reloadTime = 0 gun.bulletSpeed = 100009999990 gun.range = 200099 gun.minSpread = 0 gun.maxSprea = 0 gun.RPM = 1000000000 gun.fireMode = 1 gun.customDamage.Head = 10000 gun.spreadCooldown = 0 gun.spreadAdd = 0 if shotsound == true then gun.shootSound = {shotsoundid,1000000000, 1, true } end if FEmusic == true then gun.equipSound = { musicid, 1000000000, 1, true } end end

  1. Click the COPY button to automatically copy the script.
  2. Paste the script into your script application.
  3. Run the script and you’re done!

By following these simple steps, players can quickly and easily enhance their Roblox game experience.

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