{RIGHT 2 FIGHT}: Dragon Style Features and Mastery

The “Right 2 Fight” game offers an exhilarating experience, especially with the Dragon Style script. This style is renowned for its unique combat moves, combining powerful strikes with fluid motion, making it a favorite among players who seek a challenging and rewarding gameplay experience.

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— kiryu animation script local styles = game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles local kiryu for i,v in pairs(styles:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild”VisualName” and v.VisualName.Value == “Dragon” and v.Name ~= “Brawler” then kiryu = v break end end local brawlerstyle = styles.Brawler local ToOverwrite = { “Rush”, “Strike”, “Taunt”, “RedHeat”, “Color”, “VisualName”, “Idle”, “Grab”, “Block”, “Throw” } local function find(x) for i,v in pairs(ToOverwrite) do if x:find(v) then return true end end return false end for i,v in pairs(kiryu:GetChildren()) do if find(v.Name) then local x = brawlerstyle:FindFirstChild(v.Name) if x then x:Destroy() end v:Clone().Parent = brawlerstyle end end local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local pgui = plr.PlayerGui local interf = pgui.Interface local bt = interf.Battle local main = bt.Main local status = plr.Status local function playsound(id) local sfx = Instance.new(“Sound”, workspace) sfx.SoundId = “rbxassetid://”..tostring(id) game:GetService(“SoundService”):PlayLocalSound(sfx) spawn(function() task.wait(sfx.TimeLength) sfx:Destroy() end) end local function add_forcefield(duration) local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Status = p.Status local invun = game.ReplicatedStorage.Invulnerable:Clone() invun.Parent = Status if duration then spawn(function() task.wait(duration) invun:Destroy() end) end return invun end local function play_ingamesound(sfxname) local v = game.ReplicatedStorage.Sounds:FindFirstChild(sfxname) local sfx = Instance.new(“Sound”, nil) local id = v.Value sfx.SoundId = id for i,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do sfx[v.Name] = v.Value end game.SoundService:PlayLocalSound(sfx) task.delay(15, function() sfx:Destroy() end) end function playticksound() local sfx = Instance.new(“Sound”, workspace) sfx.SoundId = “rbxassetid://4843088994” game:GetService(“SoundService”):PlayLocalSound(sfx) spawn(function() task.wait(2) sfx:Destroy() end) end local function sendNotification(text, color) if not color then color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) end pgui.Notify.Awards.ChildAdded:Once(function(c) if c.Text == text then c.TextColor3 = color coroutine.wrap(function() local con; con = game:GetService(“RunService”).RenderStepped:Connect(function() if not c then con:Disconnect() return end c.TextColor3 = color end)() end)() end end) pgui[“नोटिफ”]:Fire(text) end sendNotification(“Loading Dragon mod..”) local function changeValueStrict(obj, valName, newVal, valClass) if obj and newVal and valName then if not obj:FindFirstChild(valName) then local n = Instance.new(valClass) n.Name = valName n.Parent = obj end obj[valName].Value = newVal end end local function IsInHeatMode() return plr.PlayerGui.Interface.Uberd.ImageTransparency < 1 end function isInBattle() return (plr:FindFirstChild("InBattle") and true or false) end function isDungeon() return game.ReplicatedStorage.Dungeon.Value end function doingHact() return (plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Heated") and true or false) end function showMaxHeatEffect() return (isInBattle() and not doingHact() and plr.Status.Heat.Value >= 100) and true or false end function hasWeaponInHand() return (plr.Character:FindFirstChild(“Holding”) and true or false) end local function style_changed() if status.Style.Value == brawlerstyle.Name then — idk why, but in the game’s code, the game uses yakuza 0 style names instead of the ones rolve used in the game –main gui local DragonColor = brawlerstyle.Color.Value local DragonSequence = ColorSequence.new({ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, DragonColor), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, DragonColor)}) main.XP.Fill.ImageColor3 = DragonColor –particles local char = plr.Character char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Main.Color = DragonSequence char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Secondary.Color = DragonSequence char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Main.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 115 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 85 or 80 char.HumanoidRootPart.Fire_Secondary.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 90 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 80 or 70 char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines1.Color = DragonSequence char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines1.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 60 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 40 or 20 char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines2.Color = DragonSequence char.HumanoidRootPart.Lines2.Rate = status.Heat.Value >= 100 and 60 or status.Heat.Value >= 75 and 40 or 20 char.HumanoidRootPart.Sparks.Color = DragonSequence if not char.HumanoidRootPart.TimeFor.Enabled then char.HumanoidRootPart.TimeFor.Color = DragonSequence end char.UpperTorso[“r2f_aura_burst”].Lines1.Color = DragonSequence char.UpperTorso[“r2f_aura_burst”].Lines2.Color = DragonSequence char.UpperTorso[“r2f_aura_burst”].Flare.Color = DragonSequence char.UpperTorso[“r2f_aura_burst”].Lines1.Enabled = showMaxHeatEffect() char.UpperTorso[“r2f_aura_burst”].Flare.Enabled = showMaxHeatEffect() char.UpperTorso[“r2f_aura_burst”].Smoke.Color = DragonSequence char.UpperTorso.Evading.Color = DragonSequence — heat bar –if DragonText == “Dragon” then — main.Heat.Fill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 0, 0) — main.Heat.Fill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 66, 142) — main.Heat.ClimaxFill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 0, 0) — main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 39, 86) –elseif DragonText == “Legend” then — main.Heat.Fill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(152, 152, 152) — main.Heat.Fill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(203, 221, 225) — main.Heat.ClimaxFill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(136, 149, 152) — main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(144, 216, 221) –end main.Heat.Fill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(152, 152, 152) main.Heat.Fill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(203, 221, 225) main.Heat.ClimaxFill.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(136, 149, 152) main.Heat.ClimaxFill2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(144, 216, 221) end end for i,v in pairs(status:GetChildren()) do v.Changed:Connect(style_changed) end — custom ablitites local kiryu_ablitites = { [“H_Distanced”] = “H_Escape”, [“EvadeStrikeB”] = “ShuckyDrop” } for i,v in pairs(kiryu_ablitites) do local x = brawlerstyle:FindFirstChild(i) if x then x.Value = v else local x = Instance.new(“StringValue”, brawlerstyle) x.Value = v x.Name = i end end changeValueStrict(game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves.ShuckyDrop, ‘AniSpeed’, 2, “NumberValue”) changeValueStrict(game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves.ShuckyDrop, ‘MoveForward’, 25, “NumberValue”) changeValueStrict(game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves.ShuckyDrop, ‘Damage’, 40000000, “NumberValue”) changeValueStrict(game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves.ShuckyDrop, “HitboxLocations”, ‘[[“RightHand”,6,[0,0,0]],[“RightLowerArm”,8,[0,0,0]],[“RightUpperArm”,6,[0,0,0]]]’, “StringValue”) if status.Heat.Value == 100 then brawlerstyle.H_Distanced.Value = “H_GUltimateEssence” else brawlerstyle.H_Distanced.Value = “H_Escape” end status.Heat.Changed:Connect(function() if status.Heat.Value == 100 then brawlerstyle.H_Distanced.Value = “H_GUltimateEssence” else brawlerstyle.H_Distanced.Value = “H_Escape” end end) local tweenserive = game:GetService(‘TweenService’) local ti = TweenInfo.new(0.4, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, true, 0) local ti2 = TweenInfo.new(0.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, true, 0) local color = Instance.new(“ColorCorrectionEffect”, game:GetService(“Lighting”)) local ctween = tweenserive:Create(color, ti, {Saturation = -2, Brightness = -0.1}) local ctween2 = tweenserive:Create(color, ti2, {Saturation = -2, Brightness = -0.1}) local dashcooldown = false game.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(key) if game.UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox() == nil then if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.L then –local id = “rbxassetid://12022473514” –local anim = Instance.new(“Animation”) –anim.AnimationId = id –game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim):Play() –task.wait(5) –anim:Destroy() elseif key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Z then if not dashcooldown then –playvoiceline(“Taunt”) local lookvector = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.LookVector * Vector3.new(1, 0, 1) local root = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart local lock = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.LockedOn.Value if lock and lock:IsDescendantOf(workspace) and lock.Parent.Health.Value > 0 then local id = “rbxassetid://10928237540” local anim = Instance.new(“Animation”) anim.AnimationId = id local v = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) v:Play() if IsInHeatMode() then v:AdjustSpeed(8) ctween2:Play() else ctween:Play() end dashcooldown = true root.Anchored = true playsound(2102274452) if IsInHeatMode() then task.wait(0.07) else add_forcefield(1.8) task.wait(0.5) end root.Anchored = false root.CFrame = CFrame.new(lock.Position – (lock.CFrame.LookVector * Vector3.new(1, 0, 1).Unit * 3), lock.Position) play_ingamesound(“Teleport”) if IsInHeatMode() then task.wait(0.8) else task.wait(1) end dashcooldown = false playticksound() return end dashcooldown = true local id = “rbxassetid://10928237540” local anim = Instance.new(“Animation”) anim.AnimationId = id local v = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) v:Play() root.Anchored = true ctween:Play() task.wait(0.9) play_ingamesound(“Teleport”) root.Anchored = false root.CFrame = CFrame.new(root.Position, root.Position + lookvector) –local rp = RaycastParams.new() –rp.FilterDescendantsInstances = {root.Parent} –rp.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist –rp.IgnoreWater = true –local ray = workspace:Raycast(root.Position, lookvector * 50, rp) –local cf –if ray then — cf = CFrame.new(ray.Position – lookvector * 6, ray.Position + lookvector) –else — cf = root.CFrame + lookvector * 50 –end –local ti = TweenInfo.new(v.Length*0.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) –local t = tweenserive:Create(root, ti, {CFrame = cf}) –t:Play() –t.Completed:Once(function() — root.Anchored = false — v:Stop() –end) local bodyvel = Instance.new(“BodyVelocity”, root) bodyvel.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge) bodyvel.Velocity = lookvector * 90 local hitbox = Instance.new(“Part”, bodyvel) hitbox.CanCollide = false hitbox.CanQuery = false hitbox.Transparency = 1 hitbox.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 5) local w = Instance.new(“Weld”, hitbox) w.Part0 = hitbox w.Part1 = root local b2 = game:GetService(“RunService”).Heartbeat:Connect(function(d) root.CFrame = root.CFrame + (bodyvel.Velocity*d)*4 end) local b = hitbox.Touched:Connect(function(part) if part.CanCollide then local vel = -bodyvel.Velocity bodyvel:Destroy() v:Stop() –local id = “rbxassetid://”..getrandom_array(hurtanims) –local anim = Instance.new(“Animation”) –anim.AnimationId = id –local v = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) –v:Play() –local b = game:GetService(“RunService”).Heartbeat:Connect(function(d) — root.CFrame += (vel * d) * 0.5 –end) –v.Ended:Once(function() — b:Disconnect() — v:Destroy() –end) end end) bodyvel.Destroying:Once(function() b:Disconnect() b2:Disconnect() hitbox:Destroy() end) v.Ended:wait() if bodyvel then bodyvel:Destroy() end task.wait(2) playticksound() dashcooldown = false end end end end) local level = interf.Battle.Main.XP.Label local t = “” local function changelevel() if t == level.Text then return end local num = tonumber(level.Text:sub(5)) level.Text = “Lvl. “..(num * 6)+20 t = level.Text end changelevel() level.Changed:Connect(changelevel) brawlerstyle.VisualName.Value = “Legend” brawlerstyle.Color.Value = Color3.new(0.1, 0.2, 1) game.ReplicatedStorage.ScriptEvents.rplaysound:Fire(“Yell”) game.ReplicatedStorage.ScriptEvents.rplaysound:Fire(“Ignite”) local function lerp(x1, x2, alpha) return x1 + (x2 – x1) * alpha end local speedvalue = 1.5 local walkspeed_increase = lerp(speedvalue, 1, 0.75) brawlerstyle.Speed.Value = brawlerstyle.Speed.Value * walkspeed_increase game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles.Rush.Speed.Value = game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles.Rush.Speed.Value * walkspeed_increase game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles.Beast.Speed.Value = game.ReplicatedStorage.Styles.Beast.Speed.Value * walkspeed_increase for i,v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Moves:GetChildren()) do local anispeed = v:FindFirstChild(“AniSpeed”) local combospeed = v:FindFirstChild(“ComboAt”) if anispeed then anispeed.Value = anispeed.Value * speedvalue elseif combospeed then combospeed.Value = combospeed.Value / speedvalue end end status.AttackBegan.Changed:Connect(function() brawlerstyle.Grab.Value = “BTCounter” task.wait(0.3) brawlerstyle.Grab.Value = “T_BrawlerToss” end) local function critcal_health() return status.Health.Value <= status.MaxHealth.Value * 0.25 end local heatuses = 24 local function fill_heat() if status.Heat.Value >= 100 or heatuses <= 0 then return end if heatuses == 24 then game.ReplicatedStorage.ScriptEvents.rplaysound:Fire("Yell") game.ReplicatedStorage.ScriptEvents.rplaysound:Fire("Ignite") end heatuses = heatuses - 1 for i=1,6 do local A_1 = { [1] = "heat", [2] = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Moves.Taunt } local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ME Event:FireServer(A_1) task.wait(0.2) end end plr.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(v) if v.Name == "InBattle" then heatuses = 24 end end) status.Heat.Changed:Connect(function() if critcal_health() then fill_heat() end end) status.Health.Changed:Connect(function() if critcal_health() then fill_heat() end end) local Strike5 = brawlerstyle.Strike5 local oldvalue = Strike5.Value plr.PlayerGui.Interface.Uberd.Changed:Connect(function() if IsInHeatMode() then plr.PlayerGui.Interface.Uberd.ImageColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) if Strike5.Value == oldvalue then Strike5.Value = "TigerDrop" end else Strike5.Value = oldvalue end end) interf.Client.Disabled = true task.wait() interf.Client.Disabled = false sendNotification("Legend mod loaded!")

  1. Click the COPY button to automatically copy the script.
  2. Paste the script into your script application.
  3. Run the script and you’re done!

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